La Paz Waterfall Gardens: Costa Rica

IMG_1302The La Paz Waterfall Gardens, not far from the Poas Volcano, are really worth a visit, despite being expensive.  Not only do you get to see the most amazing waterfalls, the place also houses many animals confiscated from the pet trade that for some reason or other cannot be released.  Continue reading

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Filed under Costa Rica, Nature

Poás Volcano: Costa Rica

IMG_1097I had never heard of a cloud forest until I took a 30 km day trip from San Jose to Poás Volcano  – the largest active volcano in the world with a huge crater measuring 1.6 km in diameter.  The volcano crater rim lies at 2700m so going from the hot climate of San Jose and to the cold, wet and windy environment of the cloud forest was quite incredible.  Continue reading

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Cerro Azul: Panama Highlands

IMG_0355Panama is really hot so I was surprised that less than an hour away it is very cool!  Alejandro and Claudia invited me to their holiday home for the weekend and I had no idea what a treat I was in for.  Cerro Azul means Blue Mountains and it is now mostly reserved as national park.  Continue reading

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The Panama Canal

IMG_0149The Panama Canal is not as big as I expected it.  I should clarify that. The canal is 77km long from the Caribbean to the Pacific Ocean, but the Miraflores lock area is not as big as I expected it.  It is very narrow, with only one passage each way made up of a system of 2 lock chambers that are 35.5m wide taking 2 steps up (or down).  Continue reading

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Arriving in Panama

IMG_8285Arriving in Panama was quite exciting.  I never dreamed I would have the opportunity!  Flying in was amazing and I could clearly see the 3 km Amador Causeway with the four connecting islands: Naos, Culebra, Perico & Flamenco. Continue reading


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Missing Bogota

I look back on my time in Colombia with a lump in my throat because I miss everyone so much!  I had the most amazing time and made the most amazing friends ever.  From the first moment when Ben and Maria picked me up at the airport to the final day when Freddy took me to the airport to fly to Panama, every day was exciting, interesting and wondrous and everyone I met was kind and generous.

Here are some pics of my last few days in Bogota. A BBQ with Lena’s extended family and friends, and I say goodbye to the music department at the Anglo Colombiano………

As I left, I wondered if things would ever be the same, or if I my future trips would ever live up to or compare with the experiences I had in Colombia………

Click HERE if the above video does not play

(it might be blocked in Colombia due to my choice of music)




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Filed under Colombia, My Videos

Samara & Playa Negra: Costa Rica

IMG_0990This weekend I visited Samara & Playa Negro on the Pacific Coast in the Guanacaste Province of Costa Rica. In Samara I stayed in a funny little hostel which was full of German students who were studying Spanish in a school somewhere in the small town. I  never did find out where or why they chose this place.  The hostel was a building next to a farmhouse and there were plenty of horses, Brahman cattle and lots of dogs!   Continue reading


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