Kuwinda Slum: Nairobi

IMG_1074Today I was invited to tea in the Kuwinda Slum, quite near to Brookhouse school where I am currently visiting. Faith, the librarian and teacher in charge of social services in the high school, took me to show me the container the students had purchased to be made into a children’s library for the community. The decision to purchase a container rather than construct a building is due to the real possibility that the community could one day be evicted. A library in a container is portable, should the need arise. Continue reading


Filed under Kenya, Service Projects

Savage Wilderness Camp: Sagana, Kenya

The idyllic Savage Wilderness Campsite

I was very lucky to enjoy an exciting three days of outdoor adventure activities together with 60 year 10 students from Brookhouse International school, where I have been staying as a guest.  We set out on Friday morning and after driving along very bumpy, pothole ridden roads, we arrived at the Savage Wilderness Camp in time for lunch.  What a beautiful surprise it was!  Right from the moment I arrived and saw the lush green idyllic grounds along the banks of the fast moving Tana River, to the moment I left, completely exhausted, I was super impressed. Continue reading

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Filed under ADVENTURES, Kenya

An unexpected trip down the stairs!

I was not actually going to post this, but Daniel has persuaded me that it has a worthy place on my blog as an unusual experience on my trip, and part of the overall adventure. But its not pretty!  To think that I travelled through South and Central America for 7 months, climbed mountains, rafted the Amazon, trekked to the Lost City only to come to New York and fall down a flight of stairs!  Damn! Continue reading


Filed under USA

New York & the 9/11 Memorial



Spending time with Ross, Katja & little Laika in New York was truly wonderful.  Laika is 2 ½ and with no exaggeration, in the short time I was there, I saw her grow up a little each day, absorbing everything around her like a sponge, exploring her own moods and creating new experiences. Continue reading

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Filed under Places of historical interest, USA

Three universities in three days!

IMG_9462Cramming in a quick trip to Boston, Cambridge and New Haven and catching up with some ex-students and seeing them in their university environment was very inspiring and full of proud moments. Continue reading

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Filed under USA


IMG_9253Travelling to USA was such a bonus trip that initially was not part of my plan,  however my brother Ross rightly pointed out to me that flying via New York was the best way to get from Central America to Kenya.  Apart from spending time with my brother and his family, the other magical bonus of flying to USA was the opportunity to visit some of my ex-students. Continue reading


Filed under USA

Corcovado National Park: Costa Rica


Visiting Corcovado National Park on the Osa Peninsular of Costa Rica, was another dream come true for me.  I read about it many years ago in the National Geographic, who claim Corcovado to be “the most biologically intense place on Earth in terms of biodiversity”. Continue reading

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Filed under Costa Rica, Nature