The stunning Kjerag Cliff near the small town of Lysebotn, is one of the most beautiful base jumping sites in the world. Norwegian Stein Edvardsen, founder of The Norwegian Base Association and later The Stavanger Base Klubb, is credited with bringing Kjerag Cliff as a jumping site to the attention of the world. The Helicopter Boogie at Kjerag in Lysebotn began in 2000. Prior to that, base jumping from Kjerag meant a long 5 hour hike in. This year I was very fortunate to attend and see my little brother Simon participate. The weather was not the best, but the jumpers managed to find small windows of clear sky to sneak in jumps between heavy fog and drizzling rain. I was so excited about my first heli ride up to the top that Simon kindly gave me his GoPro. It was exilerating! Here is a video of the heli experience and watching Simon jump. It includes his Headcam view. Enjoy!
Heliboogie 2017
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